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Discover ...
    ... the Power of Prayer
God ... loves everyone
... and the followers who care to do right
        no matter where we are in our understanding of God
January 1, 2022 1 - INTRODUCTION and WELCOME
Discover the Power Of Prayer
We need to recognise the power of praying to God as our prayers are listened to and are answered.

"I have experienced how God helped me when I prayed" ... Cathy

"I am not sure I pray correctly." ... Joan

"I need some prayers now" ... John

"I have faith. Is that enough?" ... Simon

January 2022 2 - TWO SPECIAL PRAYERS
Join me and say two prayers.
Both are very special prayers for the world.

Click to Open Prayer Petition then you can save/print

February 2022 3 - WHAT WE ARE NOT BEING TOLD
Many things happen in the world that we are never told about. Government cover things up and we are unaware of these things.

February 2022 4 - SUICIDE - NOT THE WAY TO GO
Life can be so difficult! If it is for you then please watch this video to learn there is help out there and people who care.
Please pray for people all over the world.

February 2022 5 - HOW TO PRAY Ancient Secrets
There is a secret to how to pray correctly. In this video we learn the ancient secrets to prayer.

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Pray for Peace on earth